Vision > Launching of Competency Cohort

Identifying Members of Three Cohorts That Each Will Teach

Idea in Brief

  • A guide to helping each member of the Competency Cohort identify the 3 cohorts that they should be “teaching” as part of their learning. 
  • It is not the implementation of large-scale CBTE, but small-scale CBTE that is as much focused on their learning by teaching as it is actually teaching others (though that is okay too).
  • These are not necessarily subsidiary cohorts (B.Min. and M.Min.), but they can be.


  • Competency Cohort members often try to teach the BILD resources sequentially (First Principles, then Leadership Series courses) rather than parallel (all at once to three different groups), causing them to fall behind in making progress in all three areas of their own programs.
  • Competency Cohort members tend to teach the BILD resources of various types to the same people (which is okay if they are leaders, but not if they are new believers).
  • Competency Cohort members underestimate how much they learn by teaching.
  • It creates strength around the Competency Cohort members.


  • Competency Cohort members.

Desired Outcome

  • Each Competency Cohort member beginning with a list of specific people to teach and a plan for teaching them.
  • Implementers have enough information to track Competency Cohort members in their teaching.
  • Each Competency Cohort member will come to Competency Cohort events well-prepared.