Identification of Implementation Leaders and Competency Cohort members
Idea in Brief
Provide clarity and mutual understanding of the role of a Competency Cohort Implementer (formerly known as Competency Cohort Coordinator).
A guide for proper selection of the members of a Competency Cohort.
BILD makes assumptions about the type of support its partners will provide, particularly expecting more and different things that the partners provide.
Partners make assumptions about the type of support they will provide, particularly focusing on a limited set of initial tasks, such as setting up event logistics and gathering Antioch School applications, but not ongoing tasks, such as tracking and supporting the progress of the Competency Cohort.
Progress (or the lack thereof) is often related to regular and detailed follow-up with cohort members who are busy and may be in remote locations.
Building strength in the Competency Cohort is directly related to the ability of the partner to sustain large-scale CBTE according to TWCA and do theology-in-culture.
It is easy for BILD Partners to have presuppositions or misunderstanding that lead them to select some of the wrong people (and leave some of the right people out), such as:
Focusing only on those with academic qualifications for the “D.Min.”
Selecting those who are close to them (e.g. family members or leaders in their own church), but not necessarily top leaders or strategic leaders.
Ignoring top leaders who are unlikely to do academic work (e.g. CEOs, bishops, retired founders).
Prospective leaders (or leaders of other organizations) that they are trying to build partnerships with, but who may not be ready for this level of commitment.
Leaders who have not yet been given even a basic orientation about BILD and CBTE according to TWCA.
It is crucial for BILD Partners to select the right members.
A person(s) chosen by the top leadership of a partner network or organization for the purpose of providing support to the Competency Cohort.
A member of the Competency Cohort, both for personal growth and for intimate acquaintance with the experience of the cohort.
Good communicator, including English language ability.
Deep commitment to the vision and mission of their network or organization, particularly in its partnership with BILD.
Appreciation of TWCA as the paradigmatic foundation of theological education.
The bishop or CEO of a network or organization in consultation with the BILD apostolic team.
Desired Outcome
Right choice of Implementer(s).
Mutual understanding of the role of Implementer.
Commitment of Implementer to the role.
Effective progress of Competency Cohort (and initial implementation of large-scale CBTE).
Proper selection of the members of the Competency Cohort.
Avoid having to remove the wrong members (and add the right members) later.