Doctor of Ministry in Theology in Culture

The Doctor of Ministry in Theology in Culture (D.Min. TIC), formerly offered as a Doctor of Theology (D.Th.), is granted for demonstration of competencies associated with a thorough understanding and making a major contribution to biblical theology and theology in culture.

Specific program objectives of the D.Min. TIC (in addition to those of the M.Th.) include:

  • Identify and develop the key theological and hermeneutical themes for the entire Bible based on study of each Bible book, canonical section, and testament.
  • Produce a comprehensive exegesis of a particular culture.
  • Articulate the specific relation of biblical theology to that culture.
  • Design strategic ministry models and tools to implement the theological and hermeneutical themes in that culture.

Theology programs (B.Th., M.Th., D.Min. TIC, C.Th.) are offered by distance education to students rooted in local churches, church networks, and other ministry organizations in order to help them understand thoroughly the unfolding message of Scripture itself as a guidebook for life and ministry, paying special attention to the implications of that message in one's personal life, ministry, and culture.

Goals or general objectives of all Antioch School programs:

  • Comprehensive development in character, skills, and knowledge for effective ministry.
  • Life development and lifelong learning orientation.
  • Recognition of and participation in the centrality of the local church in the plan of God.
  • Ability to master biblical content, to benefit from significant contributions of scholars, and to build strategic models of ministry accordingly.