Admissions Information

Students desiring to earn degrees, certificates, or individual credit from the Antioch School must complete an Application for Admission in order to provide us with enough information to make a decision regarding admission. Upon admission, students are expected to complete an Enrollment Agreement.

General Admission Requirements

The most significant general requirement for bachelors and masters level programs is the commendation by a BILD local mentor. Students are also asked to identify the name of local mentor(s) who will provide personal development assessment during the program. Additionally, students must provide background information, such as list and describe ministry positions, roles, and responsibilities; name and location of church membership; explanation of why they desire the degree and how ministry will be enhanced by it; and provide evidence that demonstrates prerequisite academic ability for the programs. The Antioch School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, or national origin.

For complete information about admission qualifications and the application process, see Handbook pages 71 to 78.