Accreditation & Authorization

The Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).

1101 17th Street NW, Suite 808
Washington, D.C.

The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency.

Click here for the Antioch School’s DEAC Student Achievement Disclosure for the Public Form.

The Antioch School is the first truly church-based and competency-based institution to be accredited by an agency recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education. This means that the Antioch School is listed on the CHEA website and is listed in the trusted Higher Education Directory.

The Antioch School is registered to operate in Iowa by the Iowa College Student Aid Commission. Prospective or current students with questions or complaints about the Antioch School may contact the Commission at:

Iowa College Student Aid Commission
475 SW Fifth Street, Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309-4608
Toll-free telephone: (877) 272-4456

Online Student Dispute Resolution request: